

What's this?

The Money::ploc project aims to provide rigorous but easy-to-read documents around monetary topics. Up to now, only one has been pusblished in English, under cc-by license :

More can be found in French on Monnaie::ploc.

The Relative Theory of Money in Detail

Nowadays, money is created by private banks, what gives them power on the economy. Why wouldn't we all benefit from this newly created money? By following a logical reasoning based on a few premises, Stéphane Laborde's relative theory of money (RTM) concludes that the only way to preserve our liberties is to share this new money equally among all.

The aim of “The Relative Theory of Money in Detail” is to present this theory in an accessible way, without compromising on completeness and rigour. The mathematical part is written as to be accessible to high school students.


About the author — Emmanuel Bultot


I trained as a mathematician and I currently teach math in high school.

I'm interested in a variety of topics, and I took a deepest interest in money a few years ago. This lead me to write “The Relative Theory of Money in Detail” among other documents in French.

In you want to contact me: use my short name (manu), the at symbol, and the generic domain name ( 😉️